Root Canals

Root canal treatment, also called endodontic treatment, involves relieving tooth pain by removing the nerve tissue located in the center of the tooth and root. This is not a surgical procedure and no gum tissue is affected. Access to the tooth is obtained by drilling through the biting surface of the tooth or dental restoration to expose the nerve. Unlike the past, newer methods of anesthesia are available to minimize discomfort and most root canals can be completed in one visit. The final root canal is filled with a rubber-like material and medicated cement. The opening of the tooth is closed with a temporary filling and an additional 1 or 2 visits is required so that a crown or filling can be completed to protect the structural integrity of the tooth.

Once a root canal is finished, it is essential to have the final restoration completed promptly. This ensures that the root canal is not exposed to bacteria from breakdown and leakage at the edges of the temporary filling.

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